Day: June 4, 2015

From the Blog


Same Place, Different Time: A night of ‘Vivid’ memories

So, the other weekend, spontaneously, as he does, and as I like it when he does, Dr M suggested we go and see something of the ‘Vivid’ lights. For those unfamiliar with it, ‘Vivid’ is a city-wide Sydney festival of light and sound taking place in May-June. It’s been described as the world’s largest outdoor gallery. Nice! But while I’ve seen photos, and heard of friends going on ‘Vivid cruises’ around the harbour (sounds oh so very romantic), we’d never been.

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Same Place, Different Time: A night of ‘Vivid’ memories

So, the other weekend, spontaneously, as he does, and as I like it when he does, Dr M suggested we go and see something of the ‘Vivid’ lights. For those unfamiliar with it, ‘Vivid’ is a city-wide Sydney festival of light and sound taking place in May-June. It’s been described as the world’s largest outdoor gallery. Nice! But while I’ve seen photos, and heard of friends going on ‘Vivid cruises’ around the harbour (sounds oh so very romantic), we’d never been.

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