(Warning: potentially overpowering and gushing dose of parental pride to follow….)
And now she’s four,
Our good-news-gift-girl,
And yesterday she brought her little brother in from the wet and cold and cared for him.
She’s sensitive and intuitive,
She loves to tell stories and play ‘the talking game,’
And her observations can be spot on serious
Or off the planet fun.
She dances fast,
And listens to books slow,
And her curly hair is growing straighter,
Though she hates to have it brushed.
Her limbs are crazy long for her age –
She’s going to stand tall like her daddy one day.
She’s got a smile wide open with laughter,
And she can scream chasms with her tears.
Her early shyness is mostly memory,
and she’s learning the delicate art of friendship.
She’s an adventurer with energy and fight,
And a dreamer with vision and spunk.
She loves Lebanese food,
But hates fruit.
She’s her grandparents’ delight,
And can be a terror at night.
She’s us in so many ways,
And another separate person altogether.
Happy birthday wondrous E!
Your growing dazzles and daunts us, charms and challenges.
But we are ever thankful
We love you to up to the moon and round the stars and back
To us