‘Stories are verbal acts of hospitality.’

Eugene H. Peterson

Nikki Florence Thompson

Writer + creative-writing teacher. Author of Fight, Flight and Faith: A Life with Anxiety and Jesus. Wife to my best friend + mum x 3. Chai is my coffee. 

Scratching words of hope where faith meets the fragile places.

Fight, Flight and Faith: A Life With Anxiety and Jesus

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How to Help your Anxious Child When you Yourself are Anxious

Had you walked past our house earlier last week, say sometime between the hours of around seven and eight a.m., you would have been forgiven for wondering if you were witnessing some sort of suburban crime scene. Beyond the gently tossing heads of flowers that the kids planted with their father, Dr M, only weeks earlier, through the friendly painted blue door, and down the stretch of newly carpeted stairs, came a sound so harrowing it was enough to startle the heavy fronds of the palm trees. Perhaps it was a reenactment of some sort, a rehearsal for a Shakespearean tragedy?

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Dear Anxious World

Dear Anxious World, Firstly, I want to ask you how you are doing? And to let you know I’m not expecting an easy answer.  Clearly,

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campus living

The Time-Machine of Grief

Change, the action of moving forward, does not always bid the past farewell. Perhaps this is because some things, like grief, just don’t have an expiration date.

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pregnancy and parenting

So this is Parenthood

Ma-maa…Ma-maa, where are you Ma-maa? A little voice piped down the night-time corridor, like a small, fragile bell, incessantly ringing. The sweet, husky call of

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How to Help your Anxious Child When you Yourself are Anxious

Had you walked past our house earlier last week, say sometime between the hours of around seven and eight a.m., you would have been forgiven for wondering if you were witnessing some sort of suburban crime scene. Beyond the gently tossing heads of flowers that the kids planted with their father, Dr M, only weeks earlier, through the friendly painted blue door, and down the stretch of newly carpeted stairs, came a sound so harrowing it was enough to startle the heavy fronds of the palm trees. Perhaps it was a reenactment of some sort, a rehearsal for a Shakespearean tragedy?

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Dear Anxious World

Dear Anxious World, Firstly, I want to ask you how you are doing? And to let you know I’m not expecting an easy answer.  Clearly,

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campus living

The Time-Machine of Grief

Change, the action of moving forward, does not always bid the past farewell. Perhaps this is because some things, like grief, just don’t have an expiration date.

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pregnancy and parenting

So this is Parenthood

Ma-maa…Ma-maa, where are you Ma-maa? A little voice piped down the night-time corridor, like a small, fragile bell, incessantly ringing. The sweet, husky call of

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